MISSION Story Salon 2
It only took 41 months to reschedule, but it sure was worth the wait. MISSION Story Salon 2 , a Jeffersonian-style dinner sponsored by MISSION Story Slam and hosted by PWPvideo founder Michael Schweisheimer, was held on September 13 and by all accounts, was a great success. The dinner was very generously hosted in the home of our special guest, David Thornburgh, Chair of the Committee of Seventy's Ballot PA initiative.
Discussion topics focused on the rapid changing of the guard in Philadelphia’s nonprofit and civic sector leadership but ranged from the efficacy of Boards to Reparations. The dinner guests included a diverse group of Philadelphia leaders including Elise Drake, Hillary Do, Jill Fink, Jorge Luis Fontanez, Elizabeth Guman, Anuj Gupta, Michelle Histand, Jennifer Johnson Kebea, Gabriel Mandujano, Eric Marsh Sr., Kimberly Mcglonn, Devi Ramkissoon, and Rebecca Thornburgh
THE MISSION Story Salon with David Thornburgh was postponed by the COVID Pandemic.
We hope to reschedule very soon.
Mission Story Salon II
with David Thornburgh
We’re very excited to announce our next Salon, Sunday March 22 at Jyoti Indian Bistro on Girard Avenue in Philadelphia. Our special guest will be David Thornburgh, CEO and President of the Committee of Seventy, Philadelphia’s nonpartisan civic leadership organization. Seating is extremely limited. Click the ticket link below or contact Michael Schweisheimer for more.
MISSION STORY SALON II with David Thornburgh
Sunday March 22 • 8pm
Jyoti Indian Bistro 2817 W Girard Ave Philadelphia
A Salon Is Born
MISSION Story Slam was created around our love of a good story and the desire to return to storytelling as a community activity. In the process of building the MISSION Story Slam community we also realized that another thing we miss is good conversation. Not a battle of rhetoric. Not listening just to respond. But listening to understand. Listening to learn. People with an honest interest discussing issues with a mind toward doing good in the world.
That’s when someone mentioned a Jeffersonian Dinner: People sitting around a table enjoying good food and drink and sharing their ideas and thoughts and concerns around a single problem. Our version is a little different. We aren’t taking on a single issue as they do in a true Jeffersonian Dinner. We’re talking about the challenges facing a single place. Our city, Philadelphia.
That’s what MISSION Story Salon is all about. It’s a conversation about Philadelphia between people who are working to make Philadelphia a better place. In partnership with Connecting Coffee’s Ashley Suhler Tobin we hope to continue the conversation.
MISSION STORY SALON I • Wednesday, December 4, 2019 • White Dog Cafe
MISSION Story Salon I
Our first salon with special guest, Philadelphia City Councilwoman-elect, Jamie Gauthier was a great success. Dinner was wonderful, meaningful connections were made, and a good time was had by all.