MISSION Story Slam

At PWPvideo we tell stories for a living.   We're "Video with a Mission" and we specialize in telling the stories of people on a mission to make the world a better place.  It is part of our DNA to give back to the community in which we live and work.
MISSION Story Slam grew out of a conversation between PWPvideo Founder and Executive Producer, Michael Schweisheimer and Producer David Winston.  How do we give back to our friends in the Do-Gooder community and have fun in a sustainable (and frankly, tax-deductible) way?  And MISSION Story Slam was born.

At MISSION Story Slam we invite people on a mission to tell their own stories.  We record them and post them online to share with family, friends, and supporters.  And we have a very very good time.

So come on.  Tell us a story.

Our Story

PWPvideo is a full service production company specializing in video for nonprofits and green/sustainable businesses.
It is our objective to create innovative media that is educational, entertaining, and genuine.  We focus on our client's mission, and our passion to produce quality videos.

6368 Germantown Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19144-1936
Phone: (215) 848-0594 | Fax: (215) 848-6255

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