MISSION Story Slam 2: Saving Democracy
Lawrence Husick won $250 for Fair Districts PA by telling us about using his super powers to help defeat gerrymandering.
Dave Davies of WHYY FM told the Audience Favorite story of the evening about saving democracy one news story at a time and won $100 for 1812 Productions.
Emcee Chris Satullo tells how his father's grassroots political activism led to his work with Draw The Lines PA.
Anuj Gupta, Executive Director of Reading Terminal Market, tells about saving democracy through food. One meal at a time. One person at a time.
Jamie Bogert of the Philadelphia Citizen tells about taking her first steps into politics by running for Democratic Committee Person in Philadelphia.
Peter Handler tells us about saving democracy and saving the earth and his experience at the intersection of politics and the environment.
Ken Weinstein shares his journey through politics and reminds us that "Democracy is Participation."
Grace Palladino tells about organizing secret Civics Lessons in a Philadelphia gelato shop after the 2016 election. *WARNING* EXPLICIT LANGUAGE*
Laura Lacy of Attic Brewing talks about democratizing capital through equity crowdsource investing and saving democracy - one beer at a time.
Katie Schank tells us about navigating Family and Politics.
Sophie White tells us about developing programs for busy students at Johns Hopkins that help them save democracy.